Before making payment please check all your details are correct, and that you have read and agree to the T & C’s.
Name: Zoe
Home Address: 21 Avon Road, Sunbury
Mobile Number: 07899886320
Email Address:
Party Date: 22nd Jan
Time: 3-5pm
Birthday Child/s Name: jos
Birthday Child/s Age: 25
home address
Party Duration: Two Hour Party
Party Cost: £230
Before you make any payments please read the T & C’s you are agreeing to these on payment:
All payment is non refundable or transferable, if we go into another government lockdown then at this point the party can be transferred to a future date.
The party will need to start at the booked start time.
If a parking space can be saved for Crazy Hazy this would be appreciated due to the unloading and reloading the equipment, any parking fees will need to be paid for by yourselves.
This party has up to a two week cancellation period, at this point only a 50% refund will be given, any cancellation after this period no refund will be given.
During the party at least two adults will need to stay and look after the children at all times, this is not the responsibility of Crazy Hazy.
Crazy Hazy is not a company of entertainers so you will only ever get the one and only, but if however the party needs to be cancelled by Crazy Hazy a full refund will be given including the deposit money.
Prices are for up to 30 children unless more have been already agreed.
Any party over an hour will incur a break as discussed.
If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me on: